Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adakah Ubuntu Linux untuk budak IT sahaja?

Pertamanya saya bukan dibidang IT. Apabila ada pembaca 'mengeluh' mengapa ubuntu menjadi semakin mudah digunakan, fikiran saya terpanggil untuk menulis topik ini - Adakah ubuntu linux untuk budak IT sahaja? Ketika saya membaca keluhan tersebut, saya berkali-kali bertanya kepada diri sendiri, "Adakah aku tulis blog melayubuntu hanya untuk budak IT?". Dan apabila setiap kali saya bertanya dan mendapat jawapan "TIDAK", saya membuat keputusan mengulas isu tersebut disini.

Seingat saya, pertama kali saya mendengar perkataan "linux" ialah pada tahun 2004. Itupun saya hanya mendengar dan tidak terdetik lansung dihati untuk mengetahui lebih dari itu. Alasannya - sudah ada windows mengapa perlu linux? Mentalitinya, Saya hanya perlu menggunakan linux jika saya dibidang yang memerlukan saya menggunakannya. Ertinya, keadaan yang membentuk anda dan bukan anda yang membentuk keadaan!

Oleh kerana mempunyai mentaliti sebegitu, saya lansung tidak faham apa itu open source dan apakah kebaikan open source kepada kehidupan berkomputer. Ya, kita mungkin boleh terus hidup tanpa mengetahui apa itu open source, tetapi mengetahui tentang kewujudan dan prinsip open source dapat memberikan banyak merit kepada sesorang samada dia budak IT atau tidak.

Ubuntu ialah distribusi linux yang mengenengahkan konsep mesra pengguna bukan untuk meniru windows mahupun mac osx tetapi untuk menjadi pintu gerbang kedunia keterbukaan perisian. Kita mempunyai fakta yang jelas bahawa ramai yang mula mengenali open source kerana menggunakan ubuntu. Matlamatnya bukan ubuntu, matlamatnya ialah bagi mendidik pengguna komputer tentang altenatif yang mereka ada dan pembebas kepada pergantungan dengan perisian berbayar. Kerana itu saya pelik, ramai penggiat distro lain cemburu dengan ubuntu sedangkan ubuntu adalah satu watak penting yang merubah mentaliti "Linux untuk budak IT" kepada satu mentaliti yang lebih terbuka dan luas.

Hasilnya dapat anda lihat sekarang. Bukan budak IT pun boleh menggunakan CLI (command line interface) dalam ubuntu. CLI yang dahulunya begitu dimusuhi kini bertukar kepada sesuatu yang menyelesaikan masalah. Bagi saya sudah tentu saya lebih sukakan GUI (graphical user interface). Kerana itu saya ingin tegaskan, ubuntu bukan untuk budak IT sahaja. Dan saya tidak menulis hanya untuk budak IT sahaja. Amacam?


  1. Salam,

    Patut di perluas penggunaan linux ni di sekolah dan di pusat pengajian tinggi...

    Salam mesra..

  2. saya memang sokong pandapat zul,walaupun saya dh lama tahu pasal linux,tapi komuniti ubuntu banyak memberi penglaman saya pasal linux dan open source

  3. Kena faham, orang yang tentukan penggunaan system dalam IPTA, tak semestinya orang it pun.

    Kadang kala orang IT sendiri yang tak nak belajar Linux, malang sekali tapi benar

  4. swee meng..ko pon ada gak kat sini...mamat ni junior aku time uni dulu...mmg pengguna ubuntu hardcore...hehe

  5. btul2.. pendapat ko tu bernas zul.. aku dak engineering (mechanical) tapi da aku minat pasal it ne.. x kan aku nak amik it ko.. blaja sendiri la... aku sokong ko 200% zul...

  6. "Apabila ada pembaca 'mengeluh' mengapa ubuntu menjadi semakin mudah digunakan, fikiran saya terpanggil untuk menulis topik ini "

    - aku memang geram kat orang2 yang mengeluh seperti di atas. kalau dah pandai sangat, cube2lah turunkan ilmu tu pada kawan2 lain. jgn pandai nak 'mengeluh' je.

    - kena ingat, masa mula2 guna komputer dulu, DAH SENANG KE? NAK PEGANG MOUSE SENANG KE? NAK INSTALL GAME SENANG KE? NAK FORMAT HD SENANG KE? NAK SETUP LAN SENANG KE? NAK SETUP EMAIL CLIENT SENANG KE? kalau ade yang jawab senang (on the 1st time), ANDA MEMANG MANUSIA HEBAT! umpama seorang kanak2 yg masih merangkak, bila tengok orang lain berjalan, dia pun terus PANDAI BERJALAN.

    - kalau tak suka, boleh guna distro lain.

    - aku ulang sekali lagi, KALAU ANDA RASA HEBAT SANGAT, sila turunkan ilmu anda untuk dikongsi bersama. entri anda amatlah dialu-alukan.

  7. dari pihak UbuntuSeekers..
    biarlah mereka itu berfikir sendiri..

  8. besa la weh..manusia.. mengeluh n cakap besar pandai ar.. kalo d'suruh buat.. tah pape tah jadinye..yang penting kita kat sini support ubuntu@Linux & open source & luaskan pengaruhnya... tu kan motive utama kita.. x baik gaduh2 nak dkt raya neh..:)

  9. I played around with Ubuntu this Ubuntu Logoweekend and I have been really impressed by everything, but I know many people still want to use a Windows desktop. So I thought I would give you ten reasons why you shouldn't use Ubuntu so when your Ubuntu-loving friends tell you about it you can be armed with some reasons why you would rather use Windows.

    1. You Don't Try Before You Buy--We all want to believe all the propoganda from people selling us something we don't need. So why would you want to be able to test-drive an operating system via liveCD before you install it. Tell 'em you don't need any guarantees either, you'll take it as-is, sight unseen.
    2. Installation of Software is Too Easy--With Ubuntu you only have to click on the Synaptic and click checkboxes to add software. Then hit Apply. You probably will feel gypped when you have to go searching for software, unzip it, quite everything else you are running, and then install an .exe. Then when you are done run Windows Update (of course only using Internet Explorer) just to make sure everything's up to date.
    3. Too Few Viruses/Too much security--Virus scanners give you a warm fuzzy feeling, they can also keep your computer from performing as fast as possible. Slowing down your perfomance keeps people's expecations of you low. Without spyware and virueses slowing you down it's a nuisance plus once you are logged in it's not going to crash or be wiped out by virues. Plus if you got too much work done you might get promoted or a raise. That would be a real pain trying to figure out how to spend the extra money.
    4. No Expensive Office Suites--You know you like to pay $400+ dollars for Microsoft Office Professional. must be some kind of communist plot. Why save that money for your kids college or support education intiaitives in the third-world when you can help fund Bill Gates' humble lifestyle.
    5. Optional Purchase Option--If an operating system is free it can't be that good. You want to go through an activation process to make sure it's a genuine operating system. That activation is a convenience put in place to make you feel more secure. You should be proud to volunteer your personal information and then be forced into an upgrade cycle that milks you out of hundreds of dollars every couple years. It makes perfect sense.
    6. Too many Free Applications to Choose From--Why would you want choices you think it better just to be told what to do? You should browse the Microsoft catalog first, then go to your local Best Buy for an office suite, image editors, and other document authoring software. If you are tempted to chose one package over the other on your own ask the burnout sales guy who was smoking weed behind the dumpster an hour ago for his opinion. Why would you want to use Scribus, Nvu, GIMP, OpenOffice that can be downloaded for free when you drive your gas guzzling SUV to the store add some CO2 to the global warning, maybe even run down an endangered species in route.
    7. Too Well Documented--You hate it when you can find easy-to-understand, searchable documentation. [I wanted to find out how to troubleshoot my wireless card so I went and looked at the and there was at least three easy-to-read up-to-date documents to help me.] I know I really wanted to call someone named John who was being exploited in a third world country, have him read a script about how he would help me and watch him fail miserably then have him wish me a very good day as my system was in worse condition than before we started talking.
    8. Excellent Free No Wait Technical Support--Speaking of support, why should I want to go to #Ubuntu on IRC where 1300 Ubuntu users are hangng out and offering their time to answer questions for free.
    It's much more fun waiting on hold to hear John read his support script.

    John (in an accent that is so thick you can hardly make out the words): Hello, this is John, "How may I be helping you."
    You: My desktop isn't displaying anything but a error message
    John: I am sorry to hear that, what seems to be the problem.
    You: My screen is displaying an error message.
    John: I am very sorry to hear that, I would like you to reboot.
    You: I just did.
    John: I am very sorry to hear that, I would like you to reboot.
    You: Really, why? I just rebooted.
    John: I am very sorry to hear that, I would like you to reboot.
    You: Can you just tell me problem that might cause that error?
    John (long pause): Please hold I must get my supervisor....
    You: What's his name?
    John: Frank
    You: What's his real name?
    9. Too many Interface Choices--I know you like the choices in Windows you can buy many versions of Vista with slightly more functionality at much greater prices. When you use Ubuntu, you have too many choices. You have the option of using Ubuntu with the Gnome desktop environment, if you hate that you can use Kbuntu using the QT-based KDE environment. What if you work in an office don't you want the same operating system that is used by third graders in their schools. After all let's start children while they are young authoring painfully ineffective slide decks on Powerpoint. Why would you want them to use a custom version for schools like Edubuntu. It shold be a law that you need a fast state of the art computer, why would you want an operating system that doesn't require at least a gig of RAM and a wicked fast video card. In fact Ubuntu users with modest machines use Xbuntu to keep the resource requirements low. Once again you shouldn't be allowed to compute if you can't afford the latest and greatest computer. Computing is a privledge and poor people shouldn't be allowed to access the Internet.
    10. Too Much Eye Candy --You don't want any cool eye-candy like rotating desktops transparency, woobly windows, and more. Why risk someone calling you a show-off when you start demonstrating your fancy desktop. Keep your proflie low with Windows Vista, it looks just like everyone else's desktop.

  10. ni comment kat atas ni macam budak windows jer...

  11. aku bkn budak IT... jgn samakan course computer engineering sama ngan course budak2 IT.. jauh giler beza... hehehe.. tapi aku ttp blaja gna linux... :D

  12. Betol! Betol! Betol! Ubuntu untuk semua, sesiape saje yg meminati bidang IT, walaupun mempunyai latar belakang bidang laen. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Ilmu untuk semua..

  13. yeah... linux for human beings... sape2 minat meh blaja..hahah..x yah gaduh2.. wat rugi je..:)

  14. salam,

    terpulang kepada individu itu sendiri memikirkan...

    tapi bg aku yg jgk bdk engineering,aku suke linux..xkiralah ape distro pun...

    wpun masih merangkak nak blajar...hehehe

  15. Saya baru belajar guna UBUntu 9.04, memang best.
    saya cuba pengaruhi kawan2 pakai Linux, malangnya mereka biLang tak banyak sofware yang valid utk Linux.
    Memang ada software subtitute, tapi fungsinya cukup terhad.
    Sebagai contih, Skype. Skype untuk Linux interfacenya cukup terbatas.
    Itu saja, saya akan cuba lagi ajak kawan2 pakai Linux.

  16. OS ni optional, even dalam GNU/Linux sekalipun, ada yang berbayar dan ada yang FOC. So, buka minda pilih la sendiri. mcm aku, bekerja dalam bidang kejuruteraan, dan tetap menggunakan kedua-dua OS Windows XP & Ubuntu. Tak der apa masalah, smooth jer.


Terima kasih atas respon..

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