Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mark Shuttleworth nak tengok desktop korang!

Mark Shuttleworth telah membuat permintaan berikut dalam mailing list baru-baru ini;
Hi folks

As part of our work on desktop experience and design, I'm collecting
screenshots of desktops in action. Please send me yours! Feel free to
send two or three, with browsers open or email clients or chat windows,
anything. I'm interested in seeing the diversity of wallpapers, themes,
panel configurations, window layouts in general use.

By and large I think I can promise to keep these confidential but I
would rather not have any sensitive info just in case. We will use these
for mockups to test different ideas, and if one of those mockups got
published I would not want to cause a problem for anyone!

I specifically am looking for screenshots that are all the same size so
we can test ideas against multiple desktops simultaneously. I think
1024x768 is probably the most widely used size of screen on laptops. I
don't mind screenshots of desktops in other sizes (they may be quite
useful) but having 10 or 20 shots in one size would be more useful right

Thanks very much!
Secara mudah fahamnya, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan permintaan ini? OK, saya tinggalkan kepada anda untuk memikirkannya.


  1. wah..
    kene design balik Ubuntu aku nie..
    baru format blk daa..

  2. hehehe...mybe die nak tgk bpe rmai pkai GNOME, KDE atau ape2 jenis Desktop Interface lg kot..

  3. aku rs kalu org pakai wallpaper bukan2 tak mau nyer hantar screenshot depa..hehe..

  4. hahahahahhhaha.....tambah2 lagi yg wallpaper "ubuntu" yg popular tu..

  5. die tngok gak..
    tp last2 letak satu label..UNRATED..

  6. camne na hantar screenshot kalu monitorku da rosak..

  7. wow..dia nak eksperimen theme ubuntu baru kot...saje nak tengok citarasa majoriti...

  8. baguh juge, blh tunjuk lawa ka dia.nant aku pun hantar ge..

  9. laptop kat brunei..
    so Ubuntu kat brunei...


Terima kasih atas respon..

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